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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Life In A Bomb Shelter Isn't All It's Cracked Up To Be

The Compound by S. A. Bodeen

Picture this: war is here, and a nuclear missile is forty minutes from striking your hometown.

It happened. The bomb was dropped on Seattle, and now Eli and his family--all but his twin brother and grandmother, who didn't make it in time--are living in a suped-up underground bunker in Eastern Washington, waiting fifteen years before they can leave. It's been six years so far, and every dreary, boring day is just like the last until one day Eli and his sisters realize something just isn't right... and that's when things start to get really strange.

At times thrilling, morally challenging, creepy, startling, and all-around gripping, The Compound is one of my new favorites. I don't want to say too much for fear of spoiling plot twists and awesome reading discoveries, so I'll leave this one short and sweet. Just trust me when I say that everyone from survival and technology geeks to action/adventure lovers will take something away from this novel. Seriously good!


Age 13+
Copyright April 2008
ISBN: 9780312578602
Available as an eBook
Image from www.us.macmillan.com

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