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Thursday, March 3, 2011

An Average Girl with Super Powers

The Candidates by Inara Scott
Dancia Lewis has blending into crowds down to an art: straight B grades, so-so wardrobe, no real friends, no special hobbies. So when recruiters from the prestigious Delcroix Academy boarding school stop by her house, it doesn’t make any sense. Unless, that is, they know about her secret…
Ever since she was little, she found she could make things happen. Drop a tree branch on a bully’s head, knock over a threatening gunman at the ER, blow out the tires in a suspicious chase vehicle… whatever she thinks, it happens. By avoiding friends, she’s successfully avoided the need to defend anyone, thereby hiding her powers—until now.
As Dancia begins her freshman year at the academy, she finds her life changing rapidly as friends work their way into her life and the hot junior she meets seems to take an interest. And then there’s Jack, the moody, insubordinate guy who seems to be average too, unless he has a special gift of his own. Love triangle, anyone?
The Candidates is well paced and well written, and it’s a breath of fresh air to experience a female protagonist in this genre with a will and tenacity of her own. As the paranormal romance sub-genre gains momentum with teen readers, it’s sometimes hard to find a compelling book to stand behind. This one is a good, fun read. Planned as a series, the Delcroix Academy books are sure to grow in popularity once the word gets out, and fans will want to know just what happens next.
Book two, The Watchers, is expected this winter.

Age 12+
Copyright October 2010
ISBN: 9781423116363
Available as an eBook
Image from www.inarascott.com

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